Shape Shifting: Abstracting the Landscape
October 2 – 4, 2024
9 am – 4 pm
Watercolors & Acrylics

Presented by North Valley Art League
At the Redding Teen Center in Caldwell Park, Redding, CA
NVAL Members $300, Non-Members $350
Limited to 20 Participants
CLICK HERE for online signups
Dale Laitinen has been painting for over forty years. He works principally in watercolor, clearly focused on interpreting the language of landscape. He has a BA in Fine Arts from San Jose State University, with emphasis on painting. His professional credits include publication in highly respected art books and magazines. A popular workshop instructor and juror, Dale has traveled and taught widely in the US and abroad. On a personal level, Dale is warm and approachable with a delightfully dry sense of humor.
Dale’s workshops are intended for artists of all levels who have some experience in watercolor and would like to further their interest in painting the landscape. With this indoor class, you will paint from your photos and/or sketches. There will be daily painting demonstrations, lectures, individual instruction and group critiques. Participants are responsible for their own art materials. Click here for the material list for this workshop.
Treat yourself to three energizing days with Dale Laitinen, master landscape artist. For more information, go to Workshops at NVAL’s website.
Check Dale’s website for more examples of his work.